Your Master Cleanse- How To

90 thoughts on “Your Master Cleanse- How To”

    1. Great question Janna!

      All medications need to be taken as your doctor has directed. If they need to be taken with food then a fast might not be the best option for you while you are on that medication. Here are some plant based cleansing options

      While cleansing, it’s never ideal to take medications because the whole concept is to remove toxicity from the body. So if you’re on medication for the short term, wait until you have finished your prescription. If you have been told you need to be on medication “for the rest of your life” then one: make an appointment with me 🙂 and two: make sure it is safe to take the medication on an empty stomach.

      Medications build up toxic residue in the body which can lead to other health problems in the future. So a cleanse helps reduce the toxic load.

      If you take vitamins and supplements, I would give your body a break while cleansing because you want to minimize what your body is digesting. Vitamins and supplements are actually very hard for the body to digest because the body has to convert a synthetic version of a nutrient into a usable version. And the liver has to detoxify the waste.

      I hope this answered your question!


  1. I’m a lab tech, and a little confused. We eat mostly acidic food and drink and I thought we were supposed to aim towards taking in more alkaline substances. Lemons are acid, so isn’t this going against what we need to do in order to get our health back? And is the higher ph water -which makes sense, lowering the acidic value of the lemon? Like I stated, I’m completely confused. 🤣

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    1. Hi Barbara I am so glad you asked this question! Yes citrus is an acid outside of the body. However, when digested, it becomes extremely alkaline. Citrus is actually one of the most alkalizing foods! An the inverse is also true for dairy. Dairy is a base on the outside but when digested it becomes extremely acidic and increases inflammation within the body.

      So if you add lemon to water it will naturally increase the PH when digested.

      Other than those two, everything is pretty straight forward:
      Acid: sugar, alcohol, dairy, meat, refined grains
      Alkaline: salt, citrus, veggies, fruits, nuts, seeds, avocado, olive oil, etc.

      Thank you again for submitting that question and I hope it helps!

      Much love!


  2. Just finished day one,…now (similar to day one) the salt bath has for two days came out the other exit and not urinated. Is the salt bath suppose to come out my colon like a liquid or diarrhea?

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    1. Hi G! Sorry it looks like my response to your question never posted!? But yes that is completely normal and exactly what should happen. The salt baths encourage flow through your colon so toxins can continue to clear since you’re not eating solid food, and thus not having bowl movements. The lemonade clears through your kidneys and bladder so it’s important to support the liver/small intestine/large intestine detox pathway as well with salt baths.


      1. Hi Megan,

        Thanks for the clarity on the saltwater bath.

        Can you give me a menu for introducing food back into the system after a cleanse? Any foods to start with or avoid?

        (End of day 2) I feel great!

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Hi G, the best way to transition out is by eating in an alkaline way (veggies, fruits, nuts, seeds, avocados, citrus). It’s also a good time to juice and bring in smoothies. Allow your body to continue to cleanse and clear after all the hard work you put in!


      3. Thank you soooo much! I’m on day 3. Feeling great, I have tons of energy and my sense of smell is exceptional. It’s weird no burps and no gas. Best part is BELLY BLOAT is gone. I’m a 46/m and all my weight is carried in my gut.

        I’ll probably go 2days more. I’ll intro food with alkaline as you mention.

        Everyone should do this! Thanks to your support I was able to get it done. Wouldn’t have tried it without this article. ~Thank you~

        Liked by 1 person

      4. Congratulations! Isn’t it amazing once you get to day 3 how incredible you feel! I’m thrilled and humbled you were inspired by this article to try it, you’re doing something really incredible for your body and mind! Keep up the amazing work!


  3. Hey ,, so I’m starting that master cleanse today but I forgot to drink the warm water and sea salt the night before but I did drink it the morning of is that ok or should I start again?

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  4. Supposed to of been on day one of my cleanse, however, I woke up with a caffeine withdrawal headache. Do you have any suggestions for alleviating it without taking Excedrine?

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    1. Great question and the best advice is to just push through without taking anything. I know it’s painful but the first day or two it’s normal to experience detox symptoms like headaches. It’s really a good thing because your body is detoxing. Taking a pain reliever would be adding more toxicity to the body. After day 2 I promise you will feel fantastic and be so thankful you pushed through! Keep up the great work!


      1. I hate having hunger pains, but I can deal with it for the greater good of my body. Am I going to feel hungry? If I do is there a way I can fix it? My willpower is pretty strong, but I just don’t want to have a moment and give up. Any suggestions?


      2. Yes there can be hunger cravings but to minimize them try not to go more than 2hrs without having a glass of the lemonade. If you do that, it should really help. But if you are experiencing those hunger pains just remember, this is something that’s good for your body- you’re giving your body a break from the riggers of digesting so it can repair and heal. Also, that squeezing hunger are the organs wringing themselves out which, yes might be uncomfortable, but it’s allowing them to release toxicity- like wringing out a washcloth. So just remember that you aren’t hurting your body, you’re giving it a break that it needs for this short period of time. Once you finish day 3 you can decide to keep going or stop. Always listen to your body but know some discomfort is ok.


  5. I am vacationing with family now and having the salt water in the morning and the lemonade all day long, but having dinner with everyone. Do you think it’s ok to do the salt water in the morning and the lemonade all day and then eat a light dinner? Also, can I make this a daily routine vs a 3-10 day fast?

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    1. Hi D,
      Of course you can modify this fast as you see fit. If you are eating dinner, I don’t know if I would do a salt water bath every morning. If you are eating food, allow your body to digest that food and absorb the nutrients. When you get home and/or have the time to do a complete fast, then I would incorporate the salt water bath. I would just hate for your body to do all that work to eat & break down the food, but not absorb any nutrients. You can still continue to drink the lemonade all day long, that will give you many benefits which will support your digestion of dinner. So it’s just slightly modified. I hope that makes sense.


    1. Wow that sounds amazing! Where do you live? I could never say no to that! The cleanse will always be what you make it and I think homegrown coconut water is perfect!


    1. The benefit of using cayenne and maple syrup is that all of the ingredients work in harmony with each other. It’s a pretty perfect recipe as is because:
      The lemon juice stimulates detoxification from the liver and the cayenne increases circulation to get the toxins out of the lymph, blood, and out of the body. Without the cayenne you might detox but the reabsorb toxins. The maple syrup is your energy source. Yes it is sugar but it’s a very simple natural form of glucose (which all of your cells and brain run off of) that will give your body the energy it needs to detoxify. Because of the maple syrup you can do this cleanse for a longer period of time.
      Great question!


    1. You start each morning with an Internal Salt Water Bath. This is to keep your bowels clearing since toxins released from the body need to keep clearing (not just through your urine- which the lemonade will do) but through the intestines as well.


  6. I am on my 3rd day of cleansing and my feet are not swollen anymore, it has been atlist 3 years I have been taking water pills and my feet still swelling bad to a point I can barely walk and for the first time in almost 3 years I am able to see my ankles 🙃 I am so happy I want to cry 😢this is great I just have a question tho, how often its ok to repeat this cleansing and is it healthy to repeat it often?

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    1. Awww Mariana this makes my heart burst I am so happy for you! Listen to your body. If you feel like you have the energy and more to clear then do it again. Because a liver cleanse is beneficial to your condition, I would recommend that you continue to eat in a very cleansing way this summer with plant based foods and even alkaline. This is a more gentle yet very effective way to continue cleansing for a longer sustained amount of time. If you’d like more free info, I also have a cooking show! Check our these two episodes that will give you more answers! And again congratulations!

      Episode 15: Your guide to Cleansing

      Episode 28: Reduce Inflammation with Alkaline Foods


  7. Hello. I take Iaso tea now. Is it ok for me to do this with the tea twice a day. Once in the am and at night before I go to bed?


    1. That’s a hard one. Cayenne is so versatile as it brings heat and warmth that helps with circulation which is so important as the body detoxes. Maybe black pepper? But again you want something that energetically brings heat so your circulation through blood, lymph and kidneys can clear. I wouldn’t recommend leaving it out.


      1. How about African Bird Pepper? It carries just as much heat as cayenne, if not more. My fiancé is vegan, so he uses it. He orders it from The Alkaline Journey Shop online.


      2. Hi Dina, wow I have never heard of African Bird Pepper but it sounds amazing! Absolutely! You are just looking for something from the capsaicin family (pepper family) that has warm heat so it sounds perfect!!!! Love it!


  8. i am also working out it is fine to drink just regular water through my work outs along with the cleanse?


    1. Yes the more water the better especially if you’re working out or spending time outside in the hot sun!

      Just be sure to listen to your body while you work out because detoxing is already a lot of work for the body and you want it to focus on detoxing, healing, and repairing and rather than expending that energy on an intense workout.

      So I always recommend more restorative methods of exercise while you cleanse like yoga, walking, or Pilates. Keeps the lymph moving while not taxing the body.


  9. Hi there!! I just finished the Master Cleanser book and found your website for further information. I was excited and ready to cleanse and even bought expensive Premier pink salt through a Fulscript (detox specialist)… but that’s didn’t work out because I got scammed and I went ahead and bought a fine Himalayan pink salt from Whole Foods. Would that work?


  10. Hey Megan! I stumbled across the idea of a “master cleanse” while watching a podcast with Kelly Slater. I’m an avid surfer and go pretty much everyday. I was curious as to whether I should stop surfing for 5-10 days or just keep it short and sharp. I’m just weary as I wont have any food to fuel my exercise. Also is it okay to only do 5 days and not the whole 10? Or would you recommend 10 days. Thanks! :))


    1. Hi Tommy! Great question and sorry for the delay. 5 days is a great start! The beautiful think is you can adjust as you go and if you feel great and energized on day 5 keep going. But if you start to feel a dip in energy or hunger then maybe 5 was just perfect! As for surfing I would suggest to scale back. If you wanted to paddle out to relax and enjoy nature please do because water and the ocean is so cleansing. But maybe replace your daily sessions with a walk on the beach or some restorative yoga and meditation. Great question!


  11. Hi Megan,me and my Wife to this cleanse often.we just completed a 21 day cleanse.lost 25lbs. We love it and do it often.ty


      1. Hi Megan…starting tomorrow! Can I make a larger batch in the morning or should I separately make each serving 6-12 times a day?

        Thank you! Super excited to start


  12. Hi I didn’t read all of the above questions and answers so I hope I do not ask something you already answered. So I am on day 8 and depending on results I plan to go 10 – 20 days. My question is, how long should you see the bile (bright yellow color) in your bowl movements? I am still noticing that it is as bright yellow as when I first started as of day 8. Does that just mean I had a ton of toxins in me? It feels like my kidneys are aching a little, I am guessing that is part of the process? Also, I do not feel the energized feeling you mentioned either. I have low energy and a mild headache. I am doing this both for the cleansing purposes and also for weight loss. I really thought by not eating I would loose weight really fast. As of day 8 I have only lost about 10lbs.


    1. Hi Kent. Great observations. Your body will continue to release bile through because your liver produces bile on a daily basis and it is being cleared through all of your bile ducts and the gallbladder. However, as you mentioned, it sounds like you may have done enough for right now. If you kidneys ache it’s probably a combination of fatigue and the salt water. Especially since you have low energy I would suggest you finish and bring in some fruits, veggies, juices or smoothies. These are still cleansing but will give your body more energy which should relieve the kidney aches and headache. Then you can bring in more varieties of food after a day or two for a gentle transition out of the cleanse. And 10lbs in 8 days is quite a lot so I wouldn’t look at that as a failure. Your body released a lot but you don’t want to go overboard and send it into shock. So again, because of they way you’re feeling, I would suggest finishing the Master Cleanse and do a gentle transition by eating plant based juices + smoothies for a day or two, then being in solid foods again. Hope this helps! You’ve done a great job!


      1. Thank you so much Megan! I appreciate you knowledgeable advice. I went to a bbq and a birthday party and watched everyone eat so much delicious food. It was hard to stay strong, but I did it! So I was thinking of at least going 10 days . . but if you really think I should stop, I will take your advice.


      2. Ya if it’s really difficult and you’re low energy your body has had enough and it’s time to replenish with tons of fruits and veggies then transition back to eating whole seasonal foods!


  13. Hi I am going to start Monday and use today (Thursday) through the weekend to start preparing (whole/raw veggies+fruits, then smoothies/broths and then Master Cleanse day 1 on Monday). I was wondering though- how long after the internal salt water bath must I wait before I drink my first glass of the lemonade for the day?
    Thanks so much!


    1. You may drink the lemonade as soon as you wish! The salt water is a good amount of water so you might not be super thirsty right away, but the lemonade will taste refreshing after the salt water for sure! Good luck!


  14. Thanks for an awesome article

    Master cleanse is great! I found more energy, focus, and overall positivity as the days went by.
    I’m on day 12 now and only planned to do 10 initially, it’s my 1st time cleansing so my question is if I decide to stop now, how long should I wait before doing another cleanse?

    Iv heard you can repeat this cleanse & feel like I would like to do 20 days in the future


    1. I am so happy to hear that! That’s fantastic and and sounds like it was the perfect cleanse and duration of time for you! I would transition yourself back into food gently staying plant based for a few days and doing lots of juices/smoothie. My rule of thumb is to do one cleanse each year, usually in the spring. But you could also do it at the change of seasons (kinda like you are now). It will help you transition between summer to fall, fall to winter, and winter to spring, etc. It will help you avoid cold/flu during the changing seasons. You don’t have to do it long either, just 3-5days is really effective. Again great job and I’m so happy to hear how amazing you feel!!!


  15. Hi, tried doing the Salt Bath and it took my pressure up to 149/92, so i can’t do that. I also have problems with the Cayenne, it burns my throat, what else can i substitute for the Salt Bath and Cayenne.


    1. That’s good to notice. So instead of the salt water you could to an herbal laxative tea called Smooth Move by Traditional Medicinals. Make yourself a strong cup of that tea in the morning.

      As for the cayenne, it’s an important part of the cleanse as it helps warm circulation and move toxins out of the body. I would keep it in if you can and maybe just do a small sprinkle until you get use to it.

      Hope that helps!


  16. Hi Megan, your answers are so enlightening. Exactly how much water do I need to drink in addition to the Lemonade mix in a day; and also, what time in the evening should I drink my last lemonade for the day?


    1. Oh thank you Glenda that is very sweet of you to say! Water intake in addition to the lemonade is at your discretion. You are drinking quite a bit of liquid following the protocol, so any additional water or herbal tea is great but no need to go overboard. Just listen to your body and intuition! And there’s no specific time you need to finish your last glass of lemonade. I tend to have mine around dinner time and end the night with a glass of water or camomile tea which can be a nice break from the lemonade before bed. Hope this is helpful!


  17. Megan, I did 3 days of the detox. Commitments require I stop at day 3. Did fine the 3 days, no hunger, good energy, some headaches. Today I started my protein shakes again, but I feel woozy.
    Is this normal?


    1. Hi Holly that’s great to hear! 3 days is a great amount of time to clear the body and feel the benefits! And yes, I would NOT drink a protein shake. That is way too much concentrated and dehydrated protein for the body to process right after it has been fasting and cleansing. It would definitely make you nauseous because the liver has to process it all. Instead, eat tons of veggies and fruits, juices, smoothies. You want to ease your body back into eating with hydrating, alkalizing foods. Protein and carbs would be the last thing to bring back in.
      Protein powders in general are very hard on the body to digest. So you also may be experiencing that as well. Now that your body is clear and cleansed, pay attention to what feels good and what doesn’t. It might be time to notice things you use to eat actually congests your body more than you realized before!

      Hope this was helpful and veggies and fruit should help with the nausea


  18. Hello.
    I did this ages ago, felt amazing! I had to hunt around for actual maple syrup (so many corn based sugary substitutes.) I mentioned the Master Cleanse to my daughter while talking about lemons, and wala… just now at the shop I saw pure original Maple syrup staring at me as I bought honey.

    That’s a sign. Just googled the instructions to be sure I had it right and found your site. Love your article! (Last time I had bought Stanley’s book from Amazon, but that was a lifetime and a few countries ago.)

    Anyway, I remember feeling superb during this cleanse. I will start with this, then move on to a liver cleanse and transition with juices and veggies.


    1. Oh this is so lovely to hear! And yes, sounds like a sign! Great job paying attention to you intuition and thank you so much for sharing your sweet feedback with me! Enjoy the cleanse! Big hugs to you!


      1. It’s literally just a dash or pinch… anything more (like a 1/8 or 1/4tsp would be too much). But add as much or as little as you’d like, listen to your body!


    1. Hi Monika, this is a very interesting question. I can’t think of why not. Honey and maple syrup are different kinds of “sugar” on an energetic level. Maple syrup is literally the blood of a maple tree which shows you how strong, resilient, and warming to help with circulation. Honey is very medicinal and would be great during the spring time. If you try it with honey I would love to hear how it goes!


  19. Hi! I have done this cleanse a few times the last 5 years and always enjoy reading about it while I am doing it! 🙂 You have some of the most thoughtful responses and helpful information I have seen!!! I am currently on day 4. My question is in regards to the salt bath. What does it mean if you don’t need to use the bathroom to “eliminate” within a couple hours. I never seem to have “luck” with flushing part. Has this ever happened to you?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Shashell! Thank you so much for your feedback! I am so happy this article and Q&A has been so helpful for you. And congratulations on day 4!

      If I’m understanding your question correctly, you are saying that you don’t have a bowel movement within 2hrs of doing the salt bath? If this is happening, are you able to go at some point during the day? If not, I might suggest you do the Smooth Move Tea instead because we want to ensure that you are eliminating everyday. I hope that makes sense! Best of luck!!


  20. Hi, I posted a question with my full name without realizing that it would be posted on your website. Could you please delete this comment as well as my original question, I would however like to receive an answer to my original question if possible.


    1. Hi,
      Yes I deleted your original question but for me to respond I have to keep at least one question which has your name so you can receive it…

      Yes, you do a salt water bath every morning including the evening you begin. Yes, your stomach is “empty” but your body and gut are not. You need the daily flush to clear fat soluble toxins that will release through the bowels. Since you’re not eating food, bowel moments would stop without a flush. Hope that makes sense.


  21. If I just do an initial 3 day cleanse is it Ok to repeat another 3-5 days the following week or is that too soon?


    1. Yes Jackie that should be fine if you’re feeling up to it. Always listen to your body! And especially during the spring or summer months this is great. If it were fall/winter I would say once is enough. Hope that helps!


    1. I would keep it plain if you could. I find that after a couple days it’s nice to have something like the tea that’s a different flavor. Plus, I believe it’s better for you palate and digestion to experience the slight bitter flavor of the herbs in the tea to help you detox.


      1. Thank you! I over thought it and made a cup tonight with nothing extra and it was quite tasty. Thank you for responding.

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  22. Hi! I read somewhere that room temperature gives the best results. I’ve been drinking it cold. Does it really matter? I’d like to do this as optimally as I can. Btw, the salt bath doesn’t work for me at all! I even added more salt. And my finger are still retaining fluids… 🙁 I’m keeping up with the Smooth Move and hoping for the best. Also…(sorry for so many questions) I know we have the option of 6-12 portions. Is there an optimal amount for weight loss? If I drink only 6, my body might be holding on to the weight (I lost 7lbs in 3 days, then nothing for the last 3…). Any help would be great!


    1. Yes room temp water is much easier on the body and on digestion.

      The interesting the about the Internal Salt Bath is that it’s the same salinity as your blood. Meaning if you are depleted in minerals, your body will retain and utilize the minerals. If your body has enough, then it flushes it through the bowels. If you haven’t eliminated in a day or so, it means your body is probably retaining the minerals in the salt. Adding the smooth move tea is smart and I hope that helps. All being well by day 3 the salt water will move through your bowels.

      As far as weight loss, everyone is different in amounts but it is normal to plateau a bit after the initial 3-4 days. If you are having bowel movements (should be liquid at this point) and have energy, you can try another day or so. But if you feel that you really have slowed, this might be a time to gently transition off of the cleanse, let your body digest food again, the try again in a couple weeks or the next month for 3 days. Pay attention to what your body is feeling and if it might be done detoxing/releasing, then give yourself a break and come back to it again when you feel ready.
      Hope that answers your questions!


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