My Recipe to Find Inner Happiness

6 thoughts on “My Recipe to Find Inner Happiness”

  1. Megan, this is great! Thanks for being vulnerable and sharing with us. I def have to read this again and get into your recipe but I love it. Congrats on your work thus far! Xo

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much for your sweet comment Rachel, I am so grateful you shared it! And I am thrilled you found the article helpful. Definitely print off the recipe when you can because I can’t wait to hear what positive changes it brings you! All my love


  2. Wonderfully written Megan. You certainly are good enough! I love your recipe for happiness and how you found it inside of you. If only everyone knew they had that same capability within them. Your courage and vulnerability in writing this piece will definitely help shine that message. May it reach many……


  3. Megan, this is wonderful! Thank you for putting into words how many of us feel and the great suggestions/recipe to start out 2018 with a positive attitude and outlook!


  4. Oh Megan…I think we are soul twins with the same internal Loop!! Why do we feel this way, perhaps it is the more creative, sensitive types always feel we are not good enough. Others keep saying to me, “you are so talented, “you can do anything you put your mind to”, “I wish I had half the skills you have”, etc. It lies within us to create our own sense of self because others do see it, and either recognize it and are happy for us…or maybe a little jealous of us. It does take the daily dose of self affirmations, (I am…beautiful, smart, etc.) plus the (I am thankful, i.e. grateful for the basics, bed, car, job, etc. that keeps us humble realizing that it’s the little things we take for granted. It’s when I come down to the basics, which some do not have, I stop beating myself up about the Pie in the Sky things I want and suddenly feel a sense of peace. I had a therapist that knew I was taking vitamin supplements and she had me say this with each one I took in the morning, “I am taking this because I am worth it”. After a while I started to believe it.
    Thank you so much for your letter to us, everything in is is coming at a good time when I need to follow step by step and get my sense of greatness back….because WE are Awesome!!


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